The Greatest Location-Based Attraction of All Time

At their peak in the 19th century, world’s fairs were unparalleled spectacles of industry, commerce, and entertainment, unique in their ability to draw visitors and leave behind significant cultural impact and influences on the collective imagination. More simply, the fairs of that era were the greatest LBE attractions of all time.  In modern terms, some […]

The Revitalization of Amusement Parks in Japan

Today’s article has been generously contributed by Yu Shioji, founder of Journal of Amusement Park, an invaluable resource of knowledge on Japanese and other amusement parks around the world.   The Japanese theme park industry entered a boom during the 1960s and 1970s, reaching a peak in the 1990s.  Since then, they’ve seen a gradual decline. […]

Batumi Cable Car

Mandate: Conceptualize new potential attractions for the Argo Cable Car in Batumi, Georgia.    Source: As one of the city’s most iconic attractions, the cable car takes visitors on a journey from the harbor to the heights of Anaria Mountain, providing passengers with panoramic views of the Black Sea and the Batumi cityscape.  With […]

Yixing Wellness Resort

Mandate: Conceptualize the program and components, recommend sizing, and develop an illustrative financial model for a new type of retirement village that combines elements of world-class wellness resorts. For this project, we had the opportunity to work with a former coal-mining conglomerate in Yixing County of Jiangsu Province, China. Introduction Retirement villages are becoming increasingly […]

Discovery Adventures Shangrao Adventure Camp

Mandate: Conceptualize and provide high level economics for a Discovery-branded adventure park and educational camp.  Our client was a Jiangxi Province-based real estate developer who owned several hundred hectares of land along the banks of the Xinjiang River in Shangrao, in Jiangxi’s northeast. Introduction Adventure parks are mostly outdoor grounds designed to offer visitors a […]

Thrills, Spills, and Dollar Bills: Cedar Fair & Six Flags’s M&A Rollercoaster

Introduction On the news of the potential merger between Six Flags and Cedar Fair, we thought it might be worthwhile to look back at their history and consider their place in the attractions landscape. With their thrill park offerings, both chains occupy a distinct niche within the theme park industry. Both chains are also characterized […]

A 50-Year Panorama of the Attractions Industry

Won here. This is my interview with Ray Braun, partner emeritus at Entertainment & Culture Advisors, and former lead partner of the Attractions Practice at Economics Research Associates.  Over a 50-year career, Ray has truly worked with everyone.  Here, we cover a wide range of topics and developments, including his work with the Getty, Universal […]